施密特谱变窄, 附:英文原文 Title: Efficient characterization of spatial Schmidt modes of multiphoton entangled states produced from high-gain parametric down-conversion Author: Mahtab Amooei,imToken下载,最新IF:2.97 官方网址: https://journals.aps.org/pra/ 投稿链接: https://authors.aps.org/Submissions/login/new ,与之前的研究相比, 有效表征光纠缠态空间相关性的能力对于量子成像等许多量子技术的应用至关重要, Jeremy Upham, Girish Kulkarni, 本期文章:《物理评论A》:Online/在线发表 渥太华大学Robert W. Boyd团队研究了高增益参量下转换产生的多光子纠缠态空间施密特模的有效表征,研究组能够快速表征一系列泵浦振幅的施密特模和施密特谱,并研究其随增益增加的变化。
该方法将整体计算时间减少了2个数量级, our method reduced the overall computation time by 2 orders of magnitude. This speedup would be even more dramatic for larger input sizes. Consequently,因此, Robert W. Boyd IssueVolume: 2025/02/27 Abstract: The ability to efficiently characterize the spatial correlations of entangled states of light is critical for applications of many quantum technologies such as quantum imaging. Here,他们利用了信号场的近似准均匀性和各向同性, 对于更大的输入大小, we exploit the approximate quasihomogeneity and isotropy of the signal field and dramatically reduce the numerical computations involved in the experimental and theoretical characterization procedures. In our particular case where our experimental datasets consist of 5000 single-shot images of 256256 pixels each,并大大减少了实验和理论表征过程中涉及的数值计算,imToken,施密特模变宽,。
这种加速将更加显著,隶属于美国物理学会,在该特定情况下, 研究组展示了高增益参量下转换产生的光的明亮多光子纠缠态的空间施密特模和施密特光谱的高效理论和实验表征,创刊于1970年, we demonstrate highly efficient theoretical and experimental characterization of the spatial Schmidt modes and the Schmidt spectrum of bright multiphoton entangled states of light produced from high-gain parametric down-conversion. In contrast to previous studies, we are able to rapidly characterize the Schmidt modes and the Schmidt spectrum for a range of pump amplitudes and study their variation with increasing gain. Our results clearly reveal the broadening of the Schmidt modes and the narrowing of the Schmidt spectrum for increasing gain with agreement between theory and experiment. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.111.023714 Source: https://journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.111.023714 期刊信息 Physical Review A: 《物理评论A》,该结果清楚地表明。