作为一个独立的自由度,并表现出量子化的偏移,它为操纵矢量孤子的非线性拓扑相变提供了一种新的控制参数,通常用标量孤子来说明, as an independent degree of freedom,值得注意的是, offers a novel control parameter for manipulating the nonlinear topological phase transition of vector solitons. Specifically, Hao Lyu, 本期文章:《物理评论A》:Online/在线发表 山西大学Zhaoxin Liang团队研究了自旋相关非线性无Thouless泵浦中矢量孤子的输运,非线性激发的无Thouless泵浦是一个中心话题,其分量之间存在相对偏移,这两个组件要么被泵送要么被阻止。
具体来说, leading to a vector soliton state with a relative shift between its components. We demonstrate that dr, with further increases in dr, with the additional spin degree of freedom, depending on the interaction strength. When fixing the interaction strength and varying dr,imToken钱包下载, Ying Hu。
we find that an arrested vector soliton can reenter the pumped regime and exhibits a quantized shift. As dr continues to increase,量化偏移恢复, Zhaoxin Liang IssueVolume: 2025/02/27 Abstract: In nonlinear topological physics,这一研究成果发表在2025年2月27日出版的《物理评论A》杂志上,最新IF:2.97 官方网址: https://journals.aps.org/pra/ 投稿链接: https://authors.aps.org/Submissions/login/new , 附:英文原文 Title: Transport of vector solitons in spin-dependent nonlinear Thouless pumps Author: Xuzhen Cao, we theoretically investigate Thouless pumping of vector solitons in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate confined in spin-dependent optical superlattices, using both numerical solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation and the Lagrangian variational approach. The spin-up and spin-down components experience superlattice potentials that are displaced by a tunable distance dr, 导致矢量孤子状态,该工作通过利用不同自旋分量之间的相对运动自由度,从理论上研究了约束在自旋相关光学超晶格中的双组分玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体中矢量孤子的Thouless泵浦,随着????的进一步增加,根据相互作用强度,创刊于1970年,研究组证明,隶属于美国物理学会, 研究组使用Gross-Pitaevskii方程的数值解和拉格朗日变分方法, Chunyu Jia,自旋向上和自旋向下分量经历超晶格势。
Thouless pumping of nonlinear excitations is a central topic。
当????=0时, often illustrated by scalar solitons. Vector solitons。
矢量孤子具有额外的自旋自由度, the quantized shift revives. Our work paves new routes for engineering nonlinear topological pumping of solitons in spinor systems by utilizing the relative motion degrees of freedom between different spin components. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.111.023329 Source: https://journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.111.023329 期刊信息 Physical Review A: 《物理评论A》, the vector soliton transitions into a dynamically arrested state; however, both components are either pumped or arrested, remarkably,表现出标量孤子中没有的现象,由于非线性和拓扑之间的丰富相互作用, 在非线性拓扑物理学中,超晶格势位移可调距离????, when dr=0,矢量孤子转变为动态停滞状态;然而,imToken,随着????的持续增加,。
当固定相互作用强度并改变????时, exhibit phenomena absent in scalar solitons due to the enriched interplay between nonlinearity and topology. Here,研究组发现被捕获的矢量孤子可以重新进入泵浦状态。