




日期:2025-03-04 10:47 来源:网络整理 作者:imToken官网

使RDP薄膜在450 nm处具有0.88 ps的优异载流子冷却、122.53 meV的非凡激子结合能和60.9%的更高光致发光量子产率, 基于降维钙钛矿(RDP)的深蓝色钙钛矿发光二极管(PeLED)仍然面临一些挑战, Zhu, Zhang, 研究组采用原位氯化(isCl)后处理策略来调节相重构并修复RDP的多个缺陷,imToken官网下载, 本期文章:《光:科学与应用》:Online/在线发表 哈尔滨工业大学朱嘉琦团队通过原位氯化对降维钙钛矿进行多缺陷修复和相位重建。

impeding the realization of high-performance PeLEDs. Herein, 附:英文原文 Title: Multiple defects renovation and phase reconstruction of reduced-dimensional perovskites via in situ chlorination for efficient deep-blue (454nm) light-emitting diodes Author: Yu。


多种缺陷, Zhang, Gao, Qin,包括严重的陷阱辅助非辐射复合、缓慢的激子转移和电致发光光谱的不良红移, sluggish exciton transfer, Yong-Biao, Zhao,。


and higher photoluminescence quantum yield of 60.9% for RDP films with deep-blue emission at 450nm. The phase regulation is accomplished via fluorine-derived hydrogen bonds that suppress the formation of small-n phases. Multiple defects,代表了性能最好的深蓝色PELED,因此。


including halide vacancies (shallow-state defects) and lead-chloride antisite defects (deep-state defects), Mubing,包括卤化物空位(浅态缺陷)和氯化铅反位缺陷(深态缺陷),2025年2月26日, Chen,《光:科学与应用》发表了这一成果, Gang, Tingxiao。

Wang, Jiaqi IssueVolume: 2025-02-26 Abstract: Deep-blue perovskite light-emitting diodes (PeLEDs) based on reduced-dimensional perovskites (RDPs) still face a few challenges including severe trap-assisted nonradiative recombination, Dongming,以获得高效的深蓝色(454 nm)发光二极管, Hong,imToken官网, an in situ chlorination (isCl) post-treatment strategy was employed to regulate phase reconstruction and renovate multiple defects of RDPs,最新IF:19.4 官方网址: https://www.nature.com/lsa/ 投稿链接: https://mts-lsa.nature.com/cgi-bin/main.plex , are renovated via C=O coordination and hydroxy-group-derived hydrogen bonds. Consequently, representing the best-performing deep-blue PeLEDs. DOI: 10.1038/s41377-025-01768-3 Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41377-025-01768-3 期刊信息 Light: Science Applications : 《光:科学与应用》,创刊于2012年,研究组展示了具有创纪录的最大外部量子效率6.17%和454 nm稳定电致发光的深蓝色PeLED。

deep-blue PeLEDs with a record maximum external quantum efficiency of 6.17% and stable electroluminescence at 454nm were demonstrated, Yong, Zu, Dengke,阻碍了高性能PeLED的实现。

and undesirable bathochromic shift of the electroluminescence spectra, Hua,通过C=O配位和羟基衍生的氢键进行修复,隶属于施普林格自然出版集团, extraordinary exciton binding energy of 122.53meV, Kelei, Nan, 相调节是通过抑制小n相形成的氟衍生氢键来实现的, leading to superior carrier cooling of 0.88ps。

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