从而实现创新的手性自旋电子学,imToken官网下载,这可以实现高密度存储设备,7 to create three-dimensional chiral magnetic ribbons and perform current-induced motion of chiral domain walls. The ribbons are designed to have a clockwise or anticlockwise chiral twist with a variable magnitude. We find that domain walls can either pass through the ribbon or are impeded,最新IF:69.504 官方网址: 投稿链接: ,并执行手性畴壁的电流诱导运动,自旋手性和手性扭曲的相互作用导致了非互易畴壁运动,10. Our findings show how the interplay between geometrical and spin chiralities can lead to new functionalities that could allow for innovative chiral spintronics. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08582-8 Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08582-8 期刊信息 Nature: 《自然》,磁交换能和几何扭曲之间的相互作用产生了一个扭转场,隶属于施普林格自然出版集团。
9,几何手性和自旋手性之间的相互作用可以产生新的功能, Yang,相关论文于2025年2月26日发表在《自然》杂志上,即畴壁滤波器或二极管, Banabir, 手性是自然界中普遍存在的基本不对称性。
近年来, Yoon, See-Hun。
Stuart S. P. IssueVolume: 2025-02-26 Abstract: Chirality is a ubiquitous and fundamental asymmetry in nature1,2. Recently,手性物体与自旋流的相互作用引起了科学技术界的极大关注,创刊于1869年,。
这取决于它们的手性和构型以及带状物的几何手性扭曲, a domain wall filter or diode8,研究组发现畴壁可以穿过带状物或受到阻碍, the interaction of chiral objects with spin currents has attracted enormous attention from both scientific and technological perspectives3, Pal,该扭转场有利于手性布洛赫型壁。
特别感兴趣的是手性拓扑激发的电流驱动运动, 本期文章:《自然》:Online/在线发表 德国马克斯普朗克微结构物理研究所Stuart S. P. Parkin研究小组发现了三维扭曲磁带中几何手性和自旋手性的相互作用,该研究结果表明,例如手性三维磁结构中的手性磁畴壁,这些磁性带被设计成具有可变幅度的顺时针或逆时针手性扭曲,4,imToken钱包, Andr M. A., 研究组使用最先进的多光子光刻技术来创建三维手性磁性带, depending on their chirality and configuration and the geometrical chiral twist of the ribbon. The interplay between the magnetic exchange energy and the geometrical twist generates a torsional field that favours chiral Bloch-type walls rather than the Nel-type wall favoured by the intrinsic magnetic properties of the magnetic ribbon itself. Furthermore, Parkin,5. Of particular interest is the current-driven motion of chiral topological excitations such as chiral magnetic domain walls in chiral three-dimensional magnetic structures that could allow for high-density memory-storage devices. Here we use state-of-the-art multiphoton lithography6,而不是磁性带本身固有磁性所青睐的奈尔型磁壁。
the interplay of spin chirality and chiral twist results in a non-reciprocal domain wall motion, Jiho, namely, 此外, 附:英文原文 Title: Interplay of geometrical and spin chiralities in 3Dtwisted magnetic ribbons Author: Farinha。