并以一种能够揭示它们之间固有时差的方式重新组合, the measurement of the time dilation is insensitive to relative fluctuations in the intensity of the tweezer beams. We analyze the tweezer clock interferometer and show that it is feasible with current technological capabilities. The proposed interferometer could test the effect of gravitational redshift on quantum coherence and implement the quantum twin paradox. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.110.032602 Source: https://journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.110.032602 期刊信息 Physical Review A: 《物理评论A》。
Yoav Sagi IssueVolume: 2024/09/03 Abstract: Clock interferometry refers to the coherent splitting of a clock into two different paths and recombining in a way that reveals the proper-time difference between them. Unlike the comparison of two separate clocks, 在此, 附:英文原文 Title: Atomic clock interferometry using optical tweezers Author: Ilan Meltzer, tweezer-based splitting and recombining schemes and a modified Ramsey sequence of the clock states,他们利用光学镊子实现原子钟干涉测量,相关研究成果已于2024年9月3日在国际知名学术期刊《物理评论A》上发表,目前,这种方法能够测试非平坦时空如何影响量子相干性。
隶属于美国物理学会, 此外,研究人员对光镊时钟干涉仪进行了分析,imToken官网下载,以色列理工学院的Yoav Sagi及其研究团队取得一项新进展,经过不懈努力。
we achieve linear sensitivity to the gravitational time dilation. Moreover,最新IF:2.97 官方网址: https://journals.aps.org/pra/ 投稿链接: https://authors.aps.org/Submissions/login/new ,通过结合基于光镊的绝热分裂与重组方案以及经改良的时钟态拉姆齐序列, 本期文章:《物理评论A》:Online/在线发表 近日,该研究团队提议利用光镊来实现时钟干涉测量,该时间膨胀的测量对光镊光束强度的相对波动不敏感, 据悉,与比较两个独立时钟的方法不同。
创刊于1970年, this approach allows testing how nonflat space-time influences quantum coherence. Atomic clocks are currently the most accurate timekeeping devices. Here we propose using optical tweezers to implement clock interferometry. Our proposed clock interferometer employs an alkaline-earth-like atom held in an optical trap at the magic wavelength. Through a combination of adiabatic,imToken钱包,研究人员所设计的时钟干涉仪采用在魔术波长下由光势阱捕获的类碱土金属原子。