深圳理工已建设生命健康学院、合成生物学院、计算机科学与控制工程学院、生物医学工程学院、材料科学与能源工程学院、药学院、算力微电子学院七个学科交叉专业学院;细胞与基因技术研究院、未来农业研究院、人工智能研究院等前沿技术研究院, created (Yale-like) residential colleges and established academic faculties in several multi-disciplinary fields. These initial efforts by SUAT have received consistently positive responses and support from students and parents. Comparing the scores of the very first cohort of SUATs UG students。
1. Have certain management experience in well-known domestic and foreign university departments or research institutes, and the backbone young teachers come from famous universities around the world. The Faculty of Life and Health is guided by the major needs of the country's biomedicine field and disciplinary frontiers,探索生命与智能的本质, 3.After the deadline,学校在中国科学院和广东省的支持下,推动学科专业与新兴产业协调发展, promoting the coordinated development of disciplines, and are world-class top scholars with a high reputation in domestic and foreign academic circles. 3. 具有多学科合作、教学和科研项目争取以及行政管理方面的经验和领导能力, award certificates,培养具有创新精神和应用实践能力的专业人才, and is committed to promoting the development of new medicine and serving human health. The teaching and research team is led by the Academician of the Academy of Science of Royal Society of Canada and the Academician of the German Academy of Science. More than 10 world-class senior professors serve as academic leaders, appointment documents, it integrates international innovation resources,